With top debt reduction tips you can start to get your debt under control. Your goal would be to eliminate debt from your life. You know, it is too easy to fall into debt, and hard to get out of it. But you’re not powerless—all you have to do is develop a plan to get out of debt, then be disciplined enough to stick with it until your debt is gone. These six tips will help.
Stop Increasing Debt
The first of our debt reduction tips is to stop increasing your debt. This is an important step you have to take, because if you keep adding to your overall total debt, your problem will compound until you reach a point that you are in over your head.
Throw away all of the offers for credit cards that you receive in the mail. Don’t even open them, or you will be tempted!
Whenever a store clerk offers you a new credit card with an offer you just can’t refuse—refuse it anyway. It is in your own best interest to reduce the temptation by not increasing your potential to borrow more money.
Close Accounts
Next, you want to close as many credit accounts as you can. Again, your goal is to reduce the temptation to easily spend money using credit.
Identify credit cards with low balances that can be paid off, or transferred to another card. Then cut up those cards and call the bank or creditor to close the account.
Your credit rating will actually be improved because you will have less potential outstanding debt.
Transfer High Interest Accounts
As far as debt reduction tips go, this is an important one: move your existing high interest credit cards to a lower interest rate card, or get a secured loan with a lower rate.
Do a little research to find a credit card with a low interest on balance transfers. If your credit is good, you can usually find a zero percent interest rate on balance transfers, at least for a certain period of time. Then, when you get that new credit card in the mail—cut it up!
Only use this card for balance transfers, and not to add more debt! Transfer all higher interest balances to your new card.
The money you save in interest should be used to pay down the overall principal balance of your outstanding debt.
Pay Higher Minimum Payments
Always try to pay more than the minimum payment, if possible. Don’t fall into the trap of paying only the minimum monthly payment, or it could take you forever to pay off your debt.
At least try to pay a little more than the minimum, because it really does add up to paying your balance off a lot faster. And, if you have a loan you are trying to pay down, such as a home equity line of credit, or a mortgage, find out if there are any pre payment penalties. If not, then try to pay off the loan as quickly as possible by making larger monthly payments.
Pay an Extra Mortgage Payment
Pay one extra mortgage payment per year. You may think this is impossible, but you can divide your payment by twelve, and then add that amount to what you pay each month.
Or, if you get paid every two weeks, set your mortgage up on auto pay, and simply pay half of the mortgage amount every two weeks. Even paying one single extra payment per year can reduce a thirty year mortgage by six years or more!
This is one of the all time best debt reduction tips you can ever follow. You could own your house sooner than you think, and save a ton of interest and debt by following this one tip.
Seek Professional Credit Help
Finally, if you are truly just in over your head and drowning in debt, consider professional debt help. You can work with a debt reduction company to create a plan.
These companies can work with your creditors, and negotiate a pay off strategy. The worst thing you can do is just give up on your credit—there are many options available, so contact a debt reduction professional and learn more.
Let’s review the top debt reduction tips:
Don’t open new credit accounts you don’t need
Close existing credit accounts
Transfer high interest cards to a lower interest account
Pay more than the minimum balance
Pay one extra mortgage payment per year
Seek professional debt help
These top debt reduction tips are great techniques that you can start applying today, and take charge of getting out of debt fast!
As long as you have the willpower to apply these techniques, you will begin to relieve the pressure of too much debt.
About the Author:
Lisa Max will show you various methods to get out of debt. This is a well researched website, providing information about debt reduction. As a long time investor and owner of numerous properties, she is well acquainted with methods to help in debt relief. www.smartdebtrepair.com
Other topics : Diamonds, Plastic Surgery
Selasa, 05 Mei 2009
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